The Wing

Creating experiences for the woman focused co-working space.

The New Membership Application

Launching the new application was a huge milestone for the product team because it was the first project that was designed and built by our in house team. We also replaced a basic flow that had no tracking or data. We built a scalable application that we can now learn from and test.

Interested in being a Wing Member? Check out the application!


Improving The Confirmation Flow

Once accepted to The Wing, potential members confirm their membership by going through the confirmation flow where they confirm their plan and provide payment. A couple of highlights featured in our new flow is transparency around pricing and commitment. We spoke with the Member Experience team to make sure we addressed all concerns and confusion that they’ve heard from members who’ve reported issues while trying to confirm their membership. Our team is currently running multiple tests working to optimize the flow based on the new data we are collecting.


Creating The Wing Design System

Before we built out our new design system, I ran an exercise with the product design team where we printed out elements across the site to start categorizing and standardizing components which helped us identify areas of opportunity and organization.


Shout out to my amazing team and partners who also worked very hard on the design system: Pam Glass, Michelle Chiu and Grace LaRosa